Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Vacation Installment #17: A Garfield Christmas Special

I missed yesterday, because my husband was monopolizing the TV watching Burn Notice, so I am definitely doing two today before I sleep.

Garfield is having a great dream that it's Christmas morning, and Jon (dressed like an elf) gives him a "gift-giving" machine. Garfield is all "gimme, gimme, gimme." But reality sets in and it's just Christmas Eve morning. Jon packs up Grumpy Garfield and Odie to take him to his family's farmhouse. Jon sings a song about his childhood and Christmas nostalgia. I have never understood why Jon's brother was named "Docboy." What kind of name is that?

At the farmhouse we meet Jon's sassy Grandma, who kind of owns this special. At dinner, she hits Docboy with a ladle multiple times and then sneaks Garfield some food. When questioned as to why she took so much, she says, "I'm eating for two now." Snerk. And when this was recorded, it was 43 degrees.

Garfield likes Grandma because she sits in the rocking chair and strokes him. She also talks to him, and laughs at herself for it. At one point when he hops up, she says, "How did you know I needed a kitty in my lap?" and he replies, "Wild guess." Makes me smile, because cats always do seem to know when they're needed.

The family is singing around the piano, and it's kind of awkward. I have a feeling the music was network-mandated. Garfield was never musical.

Grandma talks to Garfield about how much she misses her husband at Christmas, because it was his favorite day. He was a macho alpha male type, but he always enjoyed Christmas and made special gifts for everyone.

Jon's dad reads Binky, the Clown Who Saved Christmas. ooookay. We don't hear the actual story, though. Probably for the best.

While the humans are asleep, Garfield goes poking in the attic and finds Grandma's old letters.

Jon and Docboy wake their dad up at 1:30 claiming that it's Christmas morning and they should be allowed to open their presents now. Who are these people?

Finally, it's really morning and Dad asks the boys what they want to do first: eat breakfast, do chores, or open presents. Hee. After they have opened presents (which they don't actually do in front of us), Garfield brings Grandma the letters from her late husband. She is moved. And takes it in stride that a cat just brought her a gift. Next, Odie gives Garfield a back scratcher. Garfield is genuinely moved, and uncharacteristically (he admits to acting out of character) notes, "Christmas: it's not the giving. It's not the getting. It's the loving." Aw. The family does a little dance, and then we fade out.

Visuals: 2 out of 5
Spirit: 4 out of 5
Nostalgia: 3 out of 5
Humor: 4 out of 5
Music: 1 out of 5
Overall: 3 out of 5

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